78% of clinicians FEEL improved work satisfaction
Following a successful pilot, Sutter Health rapidly expanded Abridge to 1,000+ clinicians within three months in order to improve patient experiences by supporting more focused face-time with clinicians. Sutter Health has collaborated with Abridge to incorporate patient-facing summaries into the electronic health record. The integrated health system delivers comprehensive, high-quality care to over 3.5 million patients in California.
improved work satisfaction
improved quality of note
reduction in cognitive load
increase in undivided attention
Clinician Stories

“We say: patients first, people always. Bringing Abridge into the hands of our clinicians is really allowing us to focus on those patients first, but to keep all of our people at the heart of what we do. Someday soon, this platform will be in the hands of all our clinicians and time spent after-hours documenting will be a thing of the past.”